By Asad Zaman Published Date : August 29 2024 Category : How To Views : 336 Views

How to convert WebP to JPG

WebP and JPG are two of the most widely used image formats on the internet today. WebP, developed by Google in 2010, is designed specifically for web use, aiming to provide superior compression methods while maintaining high image quality. This format supports both lossy and lossless compression, allowing for a flexible approach to image storage and transmission. The main advantage of WebP is its ability to produce smaller file sizes compared to traditional formats like JPG, which can significantly improve website loading times and reduce bandwidth usage.

On the other hand, JPG (or JPEG, which stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group) has been around since the early 1990s and has become a standard for digital photography and web images. JPG files use lossy compression, which means that some image quality is sacrificed to achieve smaller file sizes. Despite this, JPG remains a popular choice due to its widespread compatibility with various devices, software, and web browsers. It is particularly favored for photographs and images with gradients, where the loss of detail is less noticeable.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both formats is crucial for web developers, graphic designers, and everyday users who want to optimize their images for different applications. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, knowing when and how to convert between these formats becomes increasingly important.

Understanding WebP and JPG Formats

Before diving into the conversion methods, it's essential to understand the differences between WebP and JPG formats.

What is WebP?

What is JPG?

Comparison Table




Compression Type

Lossless & Lossy








File Size

Generally smaller


Browser Support


Widely supported


Reasons to Convert WebP to JPG

There are several compelling reasons to convert WebP images to JPG format, each catering to different user needs and scenarios:

  1. Compatibility: One of the primary reasons for converting WebP to JPG is compatibility. While WebP is supported by modern browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, older browsers and applications may not recognize this format. By converting to JPG, you ensure that your images can be viewed by a broader audience, including users on legacy systems.
  2. Integration with Other Software: Many image editing tools, content management systems (CMS), and graphic design applications do not support WebP natively. For instance, popular software like Adobe Photoshop and certain plugins for WordPress may require JPG or PNG formats. Converting WebP to JPG allows for seamless integration into your workflow, enabling you to utilize the full range of features offered by these tools.
  3. Sharing and Printing: JPG is the go-to format for sharing images on social media platforms, websites, and emails. It is also widely accepted for printing purposes. Converting WebP to JPG ensures that your images can be easily shared and printed without any compatibility issues, making it a practical choice for users who need to distribute their images in various formats.
  4. Consistency: If you have a collection of images in different formats, converting all of them to JPG can provide a consistent user experience. This is particularly important for web design, where maintaining a uniform look and feel across all images enhances the overall aesthetic and usability of a site. By standardizing your image formats, you can also simplify your image management process.
  5. Quality Control: While WebP generally offers better compression, there may be instances where you prefer the characteristics of JPG, especially for certain types of images. For example, if you have a high-quality photograph that you want to ensure looks great across all platforms, converting it to JPG may be the best option. JPG allows for fine-tuning of quality settings during the conversion process, giving you control over the final output.

Online WebP to JPG Converters

One of the easiest ways to convert WebP images to JPG is by using an online converter. Image Diamond is a reliable online tool that allows for quick conversions without the need to install any software.

Steps to Convert Using Image Diamond

  1. Visit the Image Diamond Website: Go to Image Diamond.
  2. Upload Your WebP File: Click on the "Upload" button and select the WebP file you want to convert.
  3. Select JPG as Output Format: Choose JPG from the list of output formats.
  4. Convert the Image: Click on the "Convert" button to start the conversion process.
  5. Download the JPG File: Once the conversion is complete, download your new JPG file.

Advantages of Online Converters

Disadvantages of Online Converters

Converting WebP to JPG on Windows

For users who prefer to convert WebP to JPG using desktop software on Windows, several options are available that cater to different needs and preferences:

1. Using Paint

Microsoft Paint is a built-in image viewer and editor in Windows that can be used to convert WebP to JPG. This method is particularly useful for users who want a quick and straightforward solution without installing additional software. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the File: Launch Paint and open the WebP file by clicking "File" and then "Open." Navigate to the location of your WebP image and select it.
  2. Save As: Click on "File" in the top menu and then select "Save As." This action will open a dropdown menu with various file format options.
  3. Choose JPEG: In the "Save As" dialog box, choose "JPEG Picture" from the "Save as type" dropdown menu. This selection ensures that your image will be saved in the JPG format.
  4. Select Location: Choose the desired location on your computer where you want to save the converted JPG file. You can also rename the file if desired.
  5. Save: Click "Save" to save the JPG file. This method is simple and effective for users who only need to convert a few images occasionally.

While Paint is a convenient option, it may not offer advanced features for adjusting image quality or size. For users who require more control over the conversion process, other software options may be more suitable.

2. Using GIMP

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a powerful and free open-source image editing software that can be used to convert WebP to JPG on Windows. GIMP is known for its extensive features, making it a great choice for users who want to perform additional image editing tasks. Here’s how to use GIMP for conversion:

  1. Download and Install: If you haven’t already, download and install GIMP on your Windows computer. The installation process is straightforward and typically takes only a few minutes.
  2. Open the File: Launch GIMP and open the WebP file by clicking "File" and then "Open." Navigate to the location of your WebP image and select it.
  3. Export As: Go to "File" in the top menu, then select "Export As." This action opens the export dialog box, allowing you to choose the output format.
  4. Select JPEG: In the "Export Image" dialog box, choose "JPEG" from the "Select File Type" dropdown menu. You can also rename the file if desired.
  5. Customize Settings: Before exporting, you can customize the JPEG options, such as adjusting the quality or adding a comment. This level of control allows you to optimize the final output based on your specific needs.
  6. Export: Click "Export" to save the JPG file. GIMP will process the image and create the JPG file in the selected location.

GIMP offers more advanced features compared to Paint, making it an excellent choice for users who need to fine-tune their images during the conversion process. Additionally, GIMP supports various plugins and scripts, allowing for further customization and automation.

3. Using IrfanView

IrfanView is a lightweight and fast image viewer and converter for Windows. It is known for its simplicity and efficiency, making it a popular choice for users who need to convert images quickly. Here’s how to convert WebP to JPG using IrfanView:

  1. Download and Install: If you haven’t already, download and install IrfanView on your Windows computer. The installation process is quick and user-friendly.
  2. Open the File: Launch IrfanView and open the WebP file by clicking "File" and then "Open." Navigate to the location of your WebP image and select it.
  3. Save As: Click on "File" in the top menu and then select "Save As." This action opens the "Save Image As" dialog box.
  4. Choose JPEG: In the "Save Image As" dialog box, choose "JPEG files" from the "Save as type" dropdown menu. This selection ensures that your image will be saved in the JPG format.
  5. Select Location: Choose the desired location on your computer where you want to save the converted JPG file. You can also rename the file if desired.
  6. Save: Click "Save" to save the JPG file. IrfanView also provides options for adjusting the quality and compression settings during the save process, allowing you to optimize the final output.

IrfanView is an excellent choice for quick conversions and batch processing of multiple WebP files. Users can also take advantage of its extensive editing features, including resizing, cropping, and applying filters, making it a versatile tool for image management.

Converting WebP to JPG on Mac

For users on Mac, there are several effective methods for converting WebP to JPG, each catering to different preferences and needs:

1. Using Preview

Preview is the default image viewer and editor on macOS, making it a convenient option for converting WebP to JPG. The application is user-friendly and requires no additional installations. Here’s how to use Preview for conversion:

  1. Open the File: Locate the WebP file you want to convert and right-click on it. Select "Open With" and then choose "Preview."
  2. Export: Once the image is open in Preview, go to "File" in the top menu and select "Export." This action opens the export dialog box.
  3. Choose JPEG: In the "Export" dialog box, choose "JPEG" from the "Format" dropdown menu. You can also adjust the quality slider to optimize the output based on your needs.
  4. Select Location: Choose the desired location on your Mac where you want to save the converted JPG file. You can also rename the file if desired.
  5. Save: Click "Save" to save the JPG file. Preview is a straightforward option for users who need to convert a few images quickly.

Preview is particularly useful for users who want to perform basic editing tasks in addition to conversion, such as cropping or adjusting color settings.

2. Using GIMP

Similar to Windows, GIMP can also be used on Mac to convert WebP to JPG. The process is consistent across platforms, providing users with a familiar interface. Here’s how to use GIMP for conversion on Mac:

  1. Download and Install: If you haven’t already, download and install GIMP on your Mac. The installation process is similar to that on Windows.
  2. Open the File: Launch GIMP and open the WebP file by clicking "File" and then "Open." Navigate to the location of your WebP image and select it.
  3. Export As: Go to "File" in the top menu, then select "Export As." This action opens the export dialog box.
  4. Select JPEG: In the "Export Image" dialog box, choose "JPEG" from the "Select File Type" dropdown menu. You can also rename the file if desired.
  5. Customize Settings: Before exporting, you can customize the JPEG options, such as adjusting the quality or adding a comment. This level of control allows you to optimize the final output based on your specific needs.
  6. Export: Click "Export" to save the JPG file. GIMP will process the image and create the JPG file in the selected location.

GIMP’s extensive features make it an excellent choice for users who need to perform additional image editing tasks during the conversion process.

3. Using Online Converters

If you prefer not to install any software on your Mac, you can use the online converters mentioned earlier, such as Image DiamondEzgif, or Convertio. These tools are accessible through any web browser on a Mac and work the same way as on other platforms. Here’s a quick overview of how to use online converters on Mac:

  1. Access the Converter: Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the online converter of your choice.
  2. Upload Your File: Follow the prompts to upload your WebP file. Most online converters allow you to drag and drop files or select them from your computer.
  3. Convert: Click the convert button to start the process. The tool will process your image and prepare it for download.
  4. Download: Once the conversion is complete, download the JPG file to your Mac. Online converters typically provide a straightforward interface, making the process quick and easy.

Using online converters is a convenient option for Mac users who need to convert images without installing additional software. However, keep in mind that the quality and speed of conversion may vary depending on your internet connection and the tool you choose.

Other Methods for Converting WebP to JPG

In addition to the methods already discussed, there are several other options for converting WebP to JPG that cater to different user preferences and technical abilities:

1. Using Command Line Tools

For users who are comfortable with command-line interfaces, tools like ffmpeg can be invaluable for batch processing WebP files and converting them to JPG. This method is particularly useful for users who need to convert a large number of files or automate the conversion process. Here’s a basic guide on how to use ffmpeg for conversion:

  1. Install ffmpeg: If you don’t have ffmpeg installed, you can download it from the official website or use a package manager like Homebrew on Mac or Chocolatey on Windows.
  2. Open Command Line: Open your command line interface (Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on Windows).
  3. Run the Conversion Command: Use the following command to convert a single WebP file to JPG:
    ffmpeg -i input.webp -c:v mjpeg -q:v 80 output.jpg
  4. In this command, input.webp is the name of your original file, and output.jpg is the name of the converted file. The -q:v option allows you to specify the quality of the output image, with lower numbers indicating higher quality.
  5. Batch Conversion: To convert multiple files in a directory, you can use a loop in your command line. Here’s an example of how to do this in a Unix-like environment (Linux or macOS):

for file in *.webp; do

    ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:v mjpeg -q:v 80 "${file%.webp}.jpg"


In this command, the loop iterates through all .webp files in the current directory, converting each one to a .jpg file with the same name. This batch processing capability is particularly useful for users who need to convert large volumes of images efficiently.

2. Using Adobe Photoshop

If you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer, it can be a powerful tool for converting WebP files to JPG. Photoshop is widely recognized for its advanced editing capabilities, making it an excellent choice for users who want to enhance their images during the conversion process. Here’s how to convert WebP to JPG using Photoshop:

  1. Open Photoshop: Launch Adobe Photoshop on your computer.
  2. Open the WebP File: Click on "File" in the top menu and select "Open." Navigate to the location of your WebP file and select it. Photoshop supports WebP files natively, so you should be able to open them without any issues.
  3. Save As: Once the image is open, go to "File" again and select "Save As." This action opens the save dialog box.
  4. Choose JPEG: In the "Save As" dialog box, select "JPEG" from the "Format" dropdown menu. You can also rename the file if desired.
  5. Adjust Quality Settings: Before saving, you can adjust the quality settings in the JPEG options dialog. This allows you to optimize the image quality and file size according to your needs. Higher quality settings will result in larger file sizes, while lower settings will reduce the file size but may affect image quality.
  6. Save: Click "Save" to save the JPG file. Photoshop will process the image and create the JPG file in the selected location.

Using Photoshop not only allows for conversion but also provides an opportunity to edit and enhance your images. You can apply filters, adjust colors, and make other modifications before saving the final output.

Comparing WebP and JPG Formats

Understanding the differences between WebP and JPG formats is essential for making informed decisions about image usage. Here’s a comprehensive comparison of the two formats based on various features:




File Size

Smaller file sizes compared to JPG for similar quality levels

Larger file sizes compared to WebP for similar quality levels


Supports both lossy and lossless compression

Uses lossy compression only


Supports transparency with alpha channel

Limited support for transparency (only in PNG)


Supports animated images

Limited support for animation (via GIF)

Browser Support

Supported by modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

Widely supported by all browsers

Image Quality

Maintains high image quality at smaller file sizes

Slightly lower image quality compared to WebP at similar file sizes

Metadata Support

Limited metadata support

Supports extensive metadata

Use Cases

Ideal for web images, especially for graphics and photos

Best for photographs and images with gradients

Key Takeaways


Converting WebP to JPG is a necessary task in many scenarios to ensure compatibility and consistency across different platforms and applications. The methods outlined in this article, ranging from online converters to desktop software and command-line tools, provide a variety of options to suit different needs and preferences.

When choosing a conversion method, consider factors such as the number of files to be converted, the need for batch processing, and the level of control required over the conversion settings. Online converters offer a quick and easy solution for occasional conversions, while desktop software like GIMP and Photoshop provides more advanced features for image editing and customization.

Ultimately, the choice of conversion method will depend on your specific requirements and the resources available to you. By understanding the various options and their respective advantages, you can make an informed decision and efficiently convert your WebP images to JPG format as needed.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about image formats and conversion methods will empower you to optimize your images for the best possible performance and user experience. Whether you are a web developer, graphic designer, or casual user, mastering the art of image conversion will enhance your ability to create and share visually stunning content across various platforms.

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